Thursday, February 26, 2009


actually title tu dari cita Meet the Robinsons, pernah tengok?
aku baru je tngok tahun ni n cita tu dah jadi antara favourite movies aku.
mmg bez lg yg blum tngok, x best lah kalo aku cita kat sini...
satu lagi movie yg sudah agak lama keluar tp baru tngok is Click,
first cite ni mmg cam komedi semata-mata n as the story goes on baru la aku nmpk sbnrnya,
karna xmau anak2 dia jadi cam dia dulu(kecewa sbb x kaya dan nobody), bekerja keras untukdjadikan partner di syarikat di keja tu..keras sampai terlampau keras, xde time untuk family sampaila dia ada kuasa untuk skip time sume benda yg dia malas n x tahan, tapi bila everytin skip automatically baru dia sedar yg dia miss segalanya, kata-kata masa near death dia adalah kata2 yg aku sendiri pernah dgr, apepun,
Family's first!
Mmg sebak la time tu..

ok, ini crita bnar..bkn yg atas tu, yg aku bakal crita ni...
ada pakcik ni, dia singgah kat satu kedai menjual kuih yg taukenya membe pakcik ni jugak...
tauke ni pun kata la,
" anak anak aku ni, sambung blajar x nak, kerja pun xnak..nanti esok lusa kalau aku mati nnti..."
selepas sdikit chit-chat n membeli kuih dari tauke(melayu tauke ni) tu, maka baliklah pakcik td..
2-3 ari lepas tu, pakcik tu mendapat brita yg tauke tu telah pun mninggal..
pakcik tu pun crita kat aku n cousin apa jd kat anak2 dia?

apa kena mngena cita pakcik td n cita click td?
cita Click tu si bapa yg keja kuat untuk anak2 sampai x de masa untuk ank2.
Cita pakcik td plak adalah si anak xnak plak tlong si bapa, mahu dalam mniaga ataupun mneruskan hasrat bapak diorg untuk diorg sambung blaja...

aku la,
walaupun sume ada masih lg x cukup..
nak kata susah, makan cukup..
nak kata x pandai, msuk u
nak kata salah mak bapak, sihat wal a' fiat..
nak kata dikongkong, free je
nak kata didera, jauh skali
nak kata duit xde, pantang mintak je trus bank in...
ape lg...

aku rindu time masjid cam second home aku,
aku rindu time aku basuh pinggan mangkuk tanpa melawan,
aku rindu time aku rajin wat keja skolah,
aku rindu time aku rajin dlu,
aku rindu time yasin mlam jumaat x pernah miss
aku rindu time aku awalkn solat
aku rindu time aku x lupa berdoa tiap kali aku nk pegi skolah
aku rindu time aku berdoa tiap kali nk pejam mata..
aku rindu time aku race basikal ngan membe g subuh kat masjid kat pekan
aku rindu time aku jln sesorg balik dr isyak-peacefull gila-
aku rindu time aku aku jd tok siak
aku rindu time segalanya bermula dgn bismillah
aku rindu time aku berjuang kerna-Nya
aku rindu time tiada kata2 kesat yg klua dr mulut ni
aku rindu time aku bersederhana
aku rindu time time aku kuat wlupun seorg
aku rindu time aku bebas dari perkara mungkar
aku rindu time aku yg dulu....
aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu time aku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu tim eaku rindu time aku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu timeaku rindu time

jgnlah jadi cam aku..

aku yg dulu xpe..

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


...walking around clueless, i stopped at a long grey table..
"nak ke? isi borang ni. dah makan?"
right left right left my head went...must eat first eyh?
so off i go to the cafe n had a delicious mouth watering finger lickin good nasi ayam not as usual..well usually i'll ask for extra rice...hehe..
cleaned!! the plate looked like it was never touched..except for the bones...
went back to the expo i left earlier, now i'm ready..!!
"dah makan?"
she smiled..
how heavy are you??
not sure...i think about 50++++kg
she looked in disbelieved...haha, i dont blame her, most people didnt believe either...
i took off my shoes n standed on it..looking down n there it is, like i said 50++kg,
true? anytin heavy in your pockets..she smiled again n continued filling the form...
its hard to guess from just looking at a boy -u bet-
but for girls is another story...well,thats what she said....
give me your hand...out of the blue sometin poke ...ouch...
u can go there now, find any empty ones..
i laid down n a woman came..
first we'll clean this part here, to avoid germs n inject this...
ok..very tiny teeny pain n it was like what, half a prob!
i'm a man!!
then she took another needle with cap n a long tube followed behind..
i was relax, cool n mach#$%*
thats no needle!!!!
tu bapak jarum!!!
the slanting opening make it looked even bigger...
i was speechless, my mouth was opened n beforei could even finish saying "oh my God" in my heart it already touches my skin n ...
kinda thick dark red oozed out n into the tube.....
i was statued.
but then, the nurse started to chat n i juz kinda forget everytin, it didnt hurt, just a bit,very small bit n just for not even half a second i think, more like u cant even remember, suddenly its in...
they gave a bag earlier n there was a mineral water, an apple n biscuits..ahh, the re d book, the cert...
u can get very good benefits by donating..yup! blood donating,

first - free treatment in the future- mengikut terma dan syarat
second - good for health, its like u r throwing away old bloods n will be automatically renew it..
third - the nurses are cute! haha..
fourth - dapat pahala la
fifth - its most likely a free treatment n relaxing cuz, all u have to do is lay down n everytin
will be done for you...
sixth - free bags, water bicuits n apples.
seventh- diorang akan check darah kita, so kalo ada sakit ape-ape kita leh tau, dgn percumanya
eighth - n lot more...

there was a photographer clickin here n there n me! so i smiled..give a 'peace' said the nurse...
it took about 10 minutes, yeah, very quick.
dont do any heavy activities this week ok.
go get some hot drinks there, u need it.- yup, another free drink!-
i asked my friends to join but...
" saya dah derma dulu, takkan say lagi?"
" saya takut jarum."
" aku xleh tngok darah la."
" esok je lah aku pegi."
" tengoklah nnt"
bg yg klas pack tu, xpelah..
xpelah, x sume baik cam aku (what the #$%@),
bukan nye kita nak tunjuk baik,
munkin dia derma dulu n ada pengalaman pahit,
sebab tu ar dia takut jarum,
trauma tngok darah, nnt pengsan la ape la susah plak,
tgh tension ngan exam ke,
nak g study ke,
its up to you,
later days je lah, aku ada kelas ni..ok..
selamat menderma darah!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

bley lak...

mulanya aku ingt migu ni cam bz je,
smpat plak aku blogging....

test n quizzes n 'pop' quiz(surely didnt see this one comin) in a week does seems suffocatin but then again...
its already wed'day,
2 more days n i'll b a weekender..
juz remember!!the
its the university carnival n i'm in it!!
GOD , i need break though i already had one last weekend(bersykur la oit!)...
u can have look at "lets gone be by gone"-a blog i'm following- about what we did(the blogger n me)
tetiba je aku teringat suatu kejadian di suatu tmpat d mana aku ngantuk gila,half of the class r already not in this world n i was about to join them when i accidentally landed too quick n too hard..
me forehead landed on the hard shining wooden desk n my head shot up like spring...
yup it hurts... god...
what if u eat n eat n eat but u'r still feel u'r hungry???(x bc bismillah kot?)
i ate 3 nasi campur(nasi n aym) one chicken chop n one beef burger n evrytin went in like water,
even water make ur stomach ache...
any advice?
books? i love reading, depends the genre..but i dont have anytin to read right now?
the libe? too dangerous, i'll end up paying for loosing the book..('ll xplain later)...
dh kat kul 7 dh, aku off dlu!!!
cam ym lak...
later days,...

woit adiey!!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

aku nak .....

Assalamualaikum blog!
aku nk sbnrnye,
aku kuburkan dlu hasrat d hati coz migu ni ada test n bz ngan PUUC yg bkl dtg,
gambr pun xde g,so sbr yo,bg aku collect sume gamba dlu,
xtau ka?
PUUC tu ialah aku pun x sure,
i'm not even sure it is called PUUC,nnt je aku check blik,
jom lah,
aku nk g study(kan bez kalo btul)
esok lusa nk test,
bapanya bapa bapany....


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