Monday, October 24, 2011

lets just say..

lets just say im happy right now,
so just leave me to my thoughts.
let me fell asleep into the infinite dreams..

Sunday, October 16, 2011

i just need a burger to smile..

today, around 6.50pm,
i just ate the most delicious burger ever.
better then the zinger! i repeat! better than the zinger!!
better than gcb or big mac!!
better than any burger king i've consumed!!
and those 'street burgers' wouldnt stand even a chance against this burger
better than krabby patty of course!
yup, u heard me! BETTER THAN KRABBY PATTY!!

the bread was the softest bread ever
and it doesnt breaks to crumbs.
no seasonings!
no over-poured sauce!
just a a piece of sweet salad
and just the right amount of chili sauce
and there it was, sandwiched between the breads and salad
lies the the most easiest-to-eat burger ever
one bite might kill you
the second would would bring you back to life to finish it!!

i hope he'll make burgers like this every now and then
i had not felt such love
such care for a very long time
i know its just a burger
but i can feel it
the love that i crave from a man
i called father..

Friday, October 14, 2011

somtimes things are just unavoidable..

u just have to trust

u just have to do it

there are things that cant be explain

u just have admit it

shit happens

for the rest of the time
do your best in life
it prepares you for the 'shit' times

mulanya xnak kata, tapi..

kata je lah kan
watpe la simpan lama-lama
nak wat pekasam??
luahkan je kat blog eko ni
ni la tujuan ko wat blog ni

ok!! done with the monologue!(monolog lah sangat)

first thing first
andai kata-kata aku ni terguris hati sesapa yang baca ni
maaf lah ya
aku cuma nak nyatakan hasrat hati yang
yang tak tahan ngan satu fenomena yang tak asing lagi kat malaysia ni
apatah lagi kat facebook
fenomena ni sudah wujud dari zaman myspace lagi
mungkin juga zaman friendster tengah hot dulu( penulis x berapa rajin online friendster dulu)
fenomena apa?
fenomena apa !!???

fenomena " bajetnyeeww"!!!
oh bukan bukan
bukan video yang inianwarhadi / anwar hadi buat tu.(leh klik kat link video tu kalo korang x pernah tengok video yang dimaksudkan tu)
isu yang diketengahkan oleh anwarhadi tu satu hal.
tapi isu yang aku nak ketengahkan ni pun, satu hal gak!

memang la tersangat crave attention
pastu bila ada orang komen
" comeynya/cantik/lawa/cun/kiut " dan segala jenis pujian yang sewaktu dengannya
di'reply' plak ngan jawapan yang tersaaangaattt modest " Mana ada, hodoh laa."
modest gila kan.tuihhh.
korang tu dah dikurniakan rupa paras yang menawan(bagi yang menawan la)
jaga la
ni duk tayang kat facebook
duk tambah dosa orang ramai
duk tambah dosa sendiri
setakat rupa paras cantik
leh simpan wat pekasam je la korang punya 'cantik' tu
belungguk lagi pompuan cantik kat dunia
tapi nak cari pompuan cantik akhlak
payah teramat
benda baik memang payah jumpa
ada harga yang tinggi bagi setiap yang istimewa
kalau setakat yang duk amik gambaq bajet ni
kat supermaket tu bersepah
xyah la nak jual muka sangat kat fb tu
nanti kalau orang x senonoh berkenan,
mau ditangkap dirogolnya
xpun disihirnya nanti
mintak jauhla sume benda tu
benda yang cantik haruslah dijaga rapi
barang kemas cantik2 pun diorang letak cermin 2 inci tebal + pagar besi
so orang xleh curi
x salah la kan korang nak letak gambar cane pun kat fb tu
(gambar yang senonoh n ttup aurat la)
aku bukan kesah sangat
tapi fikirla dosa dan keburukkan yang boleh korang dapat
aku x rugi ape2
korang la kan
aku pun manusia
ada gak salah silapnya
sama sama la tegur
xde la kan
dah tau korang tu cantik
xyah la duk wat keje camtu
nak orang komen
"u cantik la, betul." - aku pun leh tolong komen
6 puluh 5 ribu juta kali pun x kesah
apa la point yang korang dapat?
bukan kaya pun ngan komen tu,
bukan dapat pahala pun,
bukan elak penyakit pun,
takut hati ni jadi riak.
aku tulis ni sebenarnya sebab concern ( dan meluat gak ar)
lilek suda, its a fact yang korang cun, no need confirmation from everybody else..

Friday, October 7, 2011

happy when you are..

im happy
when i see you are happy
even though you're not with me
where you are there
and i am here
so far no where near

when i see your eyes
its not hard to decipher
but it gets harder
when the matter of heart get closer
with that frown on your face
i am frowning myself
should i throw a joke
or a handkerchief instead
whatever will it be
i am here
you see

though there were tears and cries
laughs and smiles
and me in every each of them
everything will be forgotten
for memory doesnt last
if it never reaches the heart

but i am still happy
to see u happy
even when u see me
im just a forgotten memory..

Thursday, October 6, 2011

steve jobs-the apple man.

steve jobs (1955-2011??)
he is the CEO of the famous brand APPLE - the IPHONES!!
i was not informed of his death(none really bother to tell me)
usai kerja, aku pulang ke rumah dan menemui komputer ribaku
lalu melayari dunia tanpa sempadan untuk berita dan hiburan
di laman sosial
ku lihat seorang lagi kenalan yang bakal berkahwin
seorang lagi sudah menyambung pelajran di luar negeri
yang lain
sudah banyak memuat naik gambar-gambar dengan 'pose' bajet kiut.ehehe
aku teruskan ke blog
tidak terfikir pun untuk menaip apa-apa post sehingga la aku aku klik pada satu 'link' ini
Steve Jobs Passed Away
pantas aku menaip kata kunci itu di google
dan hampir 90% beritanya berbunyi
timbul la kan kehairanan, kenapa "apple says?"
kenapa tidak ada pengesahan doktor atau keluarga?
timbul satu kemusykilan di hati ini.
IPHONE 4S baru sahaja dilancarkan sekiranya aku tidak silap
adakah ini tujuan publisiti untuk menigkatkan jualan iphone??
mungkin sahaja aku fikir terlalu banyak 
terlalu komikal
mungkin kebelakangan ini terlalu banyak input media 
yang mempengaruhi mindaku ini yang
setiap kematian, kemalangan atau apa saja kejadian telah dirancang
dengan sebaik mungkin oleh dalang-dalang yang hanya mau kan kuasa, harta atau pun dendam.
apa pun, ini semua hanyalah taakulanku tanpa sebarang kajian terperinci.
mungkin Apple adalah keluarga steve, dia yang memulakan apple bukan?
apa salahnya mereka yang mengumukan/mengesahkan kematiannya.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

its a thing..

if a guy ask you out,
there should be 2 answers to it.

1) Give him a chance.
Its clear that he likes you. So, why not give him a chance, go out with him. Who knows, u might like him too.
It takes a whole lot of courage to ask a girl out, if one step forward to do so, i believe he'll be nice to you. " It doesnt hurt to try." But, in this case, it hurts to try every single time. So, if he's willing to risk his heart for you, why not you? Why is it the man always have to work harder? If you want it to work it out, we should work together. Humans are the best being on earth, but mistakes arent avoidable. Thats why we help each other.
(if he has a bad reputation, maybe u could delay the date's date, do some background and history check first. You dont want to be his 15th girlfriend this year, and its only june. So turn him down(which is answer #2) )

2) Gently turn him down.
Maybe you likes somebody else, so turn him down nicely. Dont flirt/joke by any means. Guys might get the wrong signal. If you dont want him, make it clear but cool. Awful rejections may make the guy pissed off and soon take revenge( immature guys do this, and so does matured guys who is really pissed off). If you reject him nicely, he'll accept it and hopefully move on. Maybe he wouldnt move on that quickly, a couple more tries perhaps. Just make sure you dont give him hopes if you really dont wanna be with him.

3) there's a third answer???
Avoid coupling. Build your love after you are married. (Bercintalah selepas kahwin)
i hope i will too one day :) A relationship before marriage lures too many sins.

no you dont!!

people tend to think they know me,
thats probably half true.
maybe they knew one side of me,
maybe they knew my habits that i didnt care much about to notice.
they knew so little about me.
they dont even have a clue of whats going in my mind.
i hardly denies what u said to me, coz its a pointless argument to win.why start one?
i let u believe the facts that u made up on your own.

so please,
dont act like u know me that much.
it looks stupid.


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