Monday, September 27, 2010

my love..

i'm not telling how she cared for me till now
-at least not yet-
or how beautiful she is
or even how kind she is
its just an unexpected date
so unexpected that i thought i was dreaming

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

it was an ordinary friday which turn out to be a special one
i was still wrapped in my blanket
and didn't put much effort to answer the first call
then the second came
" Lets go out and i'll treat u Kentaki Fried Ciken."
just us?
i couldn't believe it 
but nevertheless
i went for a nice quick shower
n put on a black cotton pants and t-shirt
a seasoned looking cap to cover my messy hair
 we made a few stops 
it was kinda slow in the car
then she said
" After this we'll go to KFC ok."
"OK!" smiling
it was 10.30am
so only breakfast menu are on
i got myself some kinda sandwich while she ordered two piece of chicken
we decided to eat upstairs
its wider and cozier
things got a little warmer
i cant really remember what we talked about
but parts of it were rants 
i ranted about my studies
while she ranted about my sister's wedding preparation
i got to eat one of the chickens 
so full
very happy
she told me that its a treat for me
for getting dean's list
i was so touched
well why not
even dad didn't congratulate me
its not a four flat
but i got the highest of them all
i worked hard for it
so i deserve it
and she was the first person to take me for a treat
thank you mom..
love you..

Monday, September 20, 2010


so cold
too sleepy

Friday, September 17, 2010

for you p....

why smoke when u can choose not to..
yes at times u feel powerless against the desire
u feel that it would take your problems and stress away
does it..
its not worth it..

(u might wanna pause my background music first, just roll down n down on the right..)

Thursday, September 16, 2010


i always daydream about being a hero among heroes
where each of this chosen people (kanak2 terpilih)
will have different powers and different colors of suit
each colors shows each powers such as blue for speed or red for strength
or even magical powers like water or fire
while everyone else has only one type of power
i have it all
my suit would be simpler but unique
and they'll call me the

oh yes 
i still daydream
from time to time
when im really really bored
usually i'll take somtin  like pillow to cover my face 
so it'll be dark
and blank 
and so
the fantasy begin..

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

not to be sexist, tp pompuan nih..( argue part 3 )

wahai rakan
wahai teman
kita semua dah besaq ( yg besaqla)
dah buleh pikiq 
not to be sexist 
tapi pompuan nih
korang kene jaga emosi
jangan emotional
be rasional
stay cool

aku knai sorang budak pompuan
kenaila kan
duk jumpak kat kelas
ada sehari tu
muka masam ja 
cam nak nanges pun ada
aku ngan membe aku approach la p tanya
ingatkan sakit ka
family sakit ka 
boyfren dia p jalan-jalan x ajak dia
si pompuan tu siap kata 
" Sampai hati x bwak aku, mintak-mintak la eksiden satgi."

bagi aku la
pompuan yang cool / steady
memang aku salute korang
x semua yang kureng rasional ni
sebahagian la kan
kita sebagai kawan
kita nasihat skali
bukan orang laen
kawan kita gak

kadang pak aku duk beletiaq kata aku duk pentingkan sangat kawan
memang kadang terlebih sket hehe
tapi kawan kita la yang duk tolong kita masa time blajaq dulu
yang geng bola tu la duk share suka duka pait manis dulu
yang sama2 kayuh baskial time ujan
yang stay up sampai 5-6 pagi wat assignment dan tutorial
yang kejut pi kelas
yang pringat assignment
yang fly sama2
kena tangkap pun sama2 
yang ponteng sama
yang tolong masak 
yang tolong ajaq
yang teman pi sini sana
yang duk teman kita menempuh segala dugaan hidup nih..
tapi kita kena utamakan famili kita 
kawan pun dah macam famili kan
jadi kita saling peringat
darah daging jugak
membe kita jugak
bak kata Pie' " Cubit paha kanan, paha kiri pun terasa."

tamat..first time sampai 3 chapter..hehe..

x kemana, mati jugak..(argue part 2)

aku bukanlah nak aibkan ahli keluarga sendiri
tapi ni sbagai pengajaran buat semua
aku masih terus dok blogging ada tujuan dia
antaranya ialah nak share pengalaman aku buat kamu semua yang membaca
yang berguna amik
yang buruk tu wat iktibar

kita ni
kenala jaga hati mak kita
kita duk kat dunia ni bukan selamanya
semua manusia kat dunia ni akan menerima nasib yang sama
MATI gak
blah la manusia yang duk guna ayat " Kau kesah apa, kubur laen-laen.."
ni nak habaq mai
laen tara mana sangat
ang tere tahap cipan pun 
simpan dalam kubuq tu dalam tanah gak
Kita sebagai umat Islam ni ada matlamat dia
bukan kejaq dunia smata-mata
bukan xleh kejaq TAPI
agama jangan tinggai
bagi yang masih ada ibu bapak
kene jaga hati mak pak kita
syurga tu di mana
mana nak carik?
di bawah telapak kaki ibu kita
kita kena jaga dia
jaga hati
jangan terluka

anak derhaka mana masuk syurga?
xdak aih
kita kena jaga hati depa
walaupun bukan salah kita
kita kena terang leklok
bagi dia paham
tapi kalo salah kita
p mintak ampun
dia dah bela kita dari kecik sampai besaq
nak kata dia x sayang kita lagi
kadang depa payah kot nak tunjuk
cuba kita tunjuk kasih sayang kita
Inshallah lembut hati depa

minta ampun la
aku bukan niat nak beleytiaq
tapi tu la
nak crita habaq
berdasarkan pengalaman
bak kata pakcik kedai ikan tu
" Experience is the best teacher, it teaches u and put u in the situation like it was real, only that, it is real. Hahahaha"
wahai rakan
wahai teman
kita semua dah besaq ( yg besaqla)
dah buleh pikiq rasional
not to be sexist
tapi pompuan nih


pomprang pomprang aku bagi
dia bok kluaq spatah 
aku bok kluaq spuloh
my sister ni bukan buleh
ada ja point dia 
nak menang gak walaupun salah
ish ish ish

apa yg jadi?
ceritanya berbunyi...
masa dia ngan mak aku dah agak agak nak berapi mulut td (baru je)
aku pun la berdiri kat muka pintu tu( bilik my sister)
pi wat muka xpuas hati + serius
depa pun x berapa nak berapi sangat la
mak aku blah je, uih terkasaq plak,
bonda pun berangkat pergi
(tukaq style balik)
aku pun stay lagi kat muka pintu tuu
sperti kebesaannya ( mmg buleh agak dah)
my sister pun boh la isi2 penting yg menyokong dia x bersalah
pastu aku buh balik
dia buh sket 
aku buh lagi banyak
cramah punya cramah 
dia pun sengap
maka aku menang 
memang itulah moment yang aku tunggu selama ni
dulu aku duk tengok ja
kecik lagi
x reti apa
la dah besaq kita ada kyakinan diri
org puteh kata konfiden!

kak aku and mak aku ni bukan apa
pantang sembang lama sket
kheja* nak argue ja
aku pun dah naik penat tengok
dua dua pun sama laa
x reti nak berenti
yang kak aku ni
benda dah nak setel dah
satgi duk perapi balik
mak aku pun satu
bukan buleh dengaq kak aku menjawab
dia panas balik la
ya Allah, sejukkanlah hati mereka berdua ni dan perbaikilah hubungan depa ni

kak aku bukannya x sayang mak aku
mak aku pun sayang kat kak aku
tp tu la
rintangan Allah bagi..


Saturday, September 11, 2010


i was bored and its already past 12
i got to youtube
i really dont know what to do
a few vids caught my attention
on Islam
and the videos r really good
but the comments aren't
yes its not extraordinary to find hate comments
on things like this
i'm sad
other people calling our religion bad and much more
claiming that we are violent and Islam is so wrong
pity them
there were muslims that contradict the false accusations
and i felt a bit relief

why didn't it contradict it myself?
i am not that good
i am not proud of what i am now
i am lack of knowledge of my own religion

dear God,
help me to be a better muslim
take me away from the bad things
remind me always
help me to get close to U, ya Allah, the One and only..Aminn..

Friday, September 10, 2010


aku dah lewat untuk subuh

cepat-cepat aku mencapai tuala
tiada siapa di bilik air utama
kenapa bagus?
nama pun ' Bathroom Prime '
x ke macam optimus prime gitu? hehe
bilik air utama ada water heater
memang sedapla mandi air suam pagi-pagi camni

woosh splash brrrrr...
terketar aku menuju ke bilik
angin pagi memang sejuk
t-shirt dan kain plekat ku pakai kemas

Usai solat subuh
aku mengarang beberapa msg buat teman rapat
aku ngantuk lagi
sambung tido kekeke

mau pergi solat raya la
aku bergolek pusing
pukul berapa ni
aku pergi mandi
sekali lagi

mama dah siap
adikku juga
sepupuku datang seperti yg dijanjikan
aku x makan lagi
ustaz kata nabi dulu pun makan sebelum solat raya
aku menarik sebiji kurma
bijinya terlekat pada tangkai
isi sahaja keluar
bagus betul
minum air
dan pergi

ramai sudah di masjid
tunggu di luar hingga semua berganjak masuk

Usai solat
seperti tiap kali
kami akan ziarah kubur arwah nenek dan tokwan
dan saudara yg lain
sedekahkan doa
dan setiap kali juga saling memperingati
pickpoint yg dipilih sebagai panduan ke kubur
kali ini
tiang lampu dan pokok cermai jadi pilihan
pokok lama itu sudah tiada hasil aktiviti gotong royong
kami pulang

pakcik datang beraya di rumah
kami semua sudah siap hendak keluar
ke rumah makcik
1 jam perjalanan jauhnya
aku masih x jumpa earphoneku
mana dia earphone mp3 ku..

perjalanan 1 jam terasa boring dari biasa tanpa kehadiran mp3 ku
helloooo dimana kamuuu!!!

aku ngantuk..
itulah hari raya pertama ku..

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


mama lagi di dapur
sedang mau masak rendang
td aku dengar
mama telefon saudara-mara di selangor
tahun ini tidak ke sana
banyak yang perlu diuruskan di sini
nenek gembira katanya
mereka tengah balut ketupat
kan seronok kalau balik..
tp x apalah
mana-mana pun ok
janji ramai
baru la meriah
mungkin kali aku boleh ke rumah rakan-rakan
tahun lepas seminggu di selangor
balik aja cuti sudah habis
sempat jumpa berapa kerat aja rakan lama

aku pergi mandi dahulu
masih pakai tuala

salam rendang dari aku!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


i like to argue with people
i just do
bukan gaduh-gaduh
bukan tumbuk-tumbuk 
aku kata apa yaa
debat gitu
bukanlah debat formal
tiada mr speaker
tiada para pembangkang
hanya aku dan dia
dengan idea yang bercanggah

i have this one friend
and we have this argues
like everyday
though i hate to lose
but i eventually give up
coz x larat plak bertekak
my explanations and evidence were good enough
but he was just to thick too get through 
geram pula debat lama2 ngan org camtu

tp its kinda healthy u know
coz i always get new perceptions 
that may or may not be useful

but one thing i hate the most in this debating thing
is you are debating with somone
who doesnt fully understand the topic or the main objective of the debate
they'll pull in other unrelated matters that is ridiculous and stupid
and put you in a ' u win u lose' situation
so whats the point of winning
they just wanna pop out somtin from their brain
coz they have nottin

hey! the title was not 'debate..'
so what, i changed my mind
why do u always do that
well, how i'm suppose to know weren't we doin this together
we did? oh yeah we did..

Friday, September 3, 2010


he let it go
the grey bike was no longer in control
it would have drag him too far

he got up as soon as he stopped sliding
the explosion caught a lot of eyes
it was a good distraction though he really like the bike
he'll get another one
he began to run and run
and quickly changes appearance
he is no longer the cool biker
now he's a jogger
the choppers are there but they've lost him
he escaped..
nice everyone!

this adventure thing always happen in movies je kan
my friend was once said..actually he said it couple of times
" I wish the campus caught a big fire or the gas station exploded. u know, we're caught in some storm or somtin. then there will be a hell of an adventure."
i looked at him in disbelief. and he said
"what i was just sayin.."
and i said, " If you're in one of those disasters, dont forget to to bring me along ok." well, somtin like that laa.
we burst to laughters and hope somtin will actually blow up..

i had a few dreams on owning a grey bike!
i'll totally get one in da futuuuuuree...

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Rules & Regulations

If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own blog and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.

Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

Who sleeps in bed next to you?
i sleep the bedroom all to myself..

Have you ever lied to a teacher to get out of a deadline?
cant remember..i think no, i tell 'em i have not finish it, directly or indirectly..hehe..

What kind of books do you read?
fictional novels and great mangas like one piece, naruto and bleach, kindaichi the teenage detective..oh, i love mystery novels and investigating novels too..i love how they take me far away from reality..

Best day of the week?
it rain a bit, and then it shines a lot..doesn't matter what day..

What's really creepy?
somtin that crawls and its coming to get you!
dang, i hate horror movies..

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
good movies..

What are you listening to right now?
maher zain - for the rest of my life 

What did you eat for sahur today?
nasik n sambal sotong ngan rendang tok.. n ice lemon tea!!

What websites do you always visit when you go online?

What was the last thing you bought?
murtabak ayam n daging..

What was the cutest thing you've seen today?
im su jeong

Does the weather affect your mood?

What is your zodiac sign?
i dont do zodiacs

Do you want to learn another language?
japan and mandarin

5 things you can't live without?
real friends and time for myself( to escape the world )

If you could meet anyone now, who would you meet?
the Prophet, Rasulullah s.a.w..take me away from self destruct..

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
i'm sorry i wasn't there..
What are you looking forward to?
raya ghatering..
Say something to the person who tagged you:
thanks..i wanted to write somtin but nottin good was on my mind..thanks shaz..

8 persons I tag:
sarah kushairi, phynaz, kishi, kimi, rasyid, wawa, rara, adiey

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


sooooo tired
bagi berpanas
petang bercangkul
what a day in ramadhan
thank God for giving me such strength to go on fasting
oh my sweet 1 and a half hours rest..
breakfast is near
i couldnt be happier
wake me uuupppppppp
when aaasar endss..
dum dum dum dum dum dummm

dum dum dum dum dum dummm


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