Saturday, September 4, 2010


i like to argue with people
i just do
bukan gaduh-gaduh
bukan tumbuk-tumbuk 
aku kata apa yaa
debat gitu
bukanlah debat formal
tiada mr speaker
tiada para pembangkang
hanya aku dan dia
dengan idea yang bercanggah

i have this one friend
and we have this argues
like everyday
though i hate to lose
but i eventually give up
coz x larat plak bertekak
my explanations and evidence were good enough
but he was just to thick too get through 
geram pula debat lama2 ngan org camtu

tp its kinda healthy u know
coz i always get new perceptions 
that may or may not be useful

but one thing i hate the most in this debating thing
is you are debating with somone
who doesnt fully understand the topic or the main objective of the debate
they'll pull in other unrelated matters that is ridiculous and stupid
and put you in a ' u win u lose' situation
so whats the point of winning
they just wanna pop out somtin from their brain
coz they have nottin

hey! the title was not 'debate..'
so what, i changed my mind
why do u always do that
well, how i'm suppose to know weren't we doin this together
we did? oh yeah we did..

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