Monday, December 26, 2011

funny future..

falling in love for the same person again and again....not again..must move on!!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011


some are granted. others aren't.
its natural not to have everything u want.
somtimes u just cant afford it. sometimes it is not meant for you.
sometimes it is not meant for u..yet.
dont give up and live day by day to work your dreams n wishes out.
myabe there are things that u cant see yet. things u cant comprehend.
but u must always believe.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

love dilemma..

love dilemma? maybe not miss pouleen. 
let things go slow and smooth for now ok :)
rushing would not solve anything.

i have other things to worry about.
like how im going to pay my university's fees and everything.

if she is meant for me, then she'll be mine some day.
we would grow old n have a big family together. 
think positive, and all the stress in the world is gone.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

at the moment, i am..

i am grateful
things seems nice
and i am okay.

i like this one girl
though i dont really know whats going on in her mind
maybe she like me too.. a little..
i just cant figure it out
or just lying to myself
i think it should be ok
its good that we're not dating

im sorry..

Thursday, November 3, 2011

its good to listen..

i like listening to mom
when she is not lecturing of course
she has the nicest ways to tell how good a person is
and really funny face expressions when she did any
from time to time
she'll tell her stories when she was young
though most of the times its the same old story
but i'll listen anyway
coz i like to see her happy face
reminiscing her memories
coz she is
the one person i cant bear to watch her crying..

Monday, October 24, 2011

lets just say..

lets just say im happy right now,
so just leave me to my thoughts.
let me fell asleep into the infinite dreams..

Sunday, October 16, 2011

i just need a burger to smile..

today, around 6.50pm,
i just ate the most delicious burger ever.
better then the zinger! i repeat! better than the zinger!!
better than gcb or big mac!!
better than any burger king i've consumed!!
and those 'street burgers' wouldnt stand even a chance against this burger
better than krabby patty of course!
yup, u heard me! BETTER THAN KRABBY PATTY!!

the bread was the softest bread ever
and it doesnt breaks to crumbs.
no seasonings!
no over-poured sauce!
just a a piece of sweet salad
and just the right amount of chili sauce
and there it was, sandwiched between the breads and salad
lies the the most easiest-to-eat burger ever
one bite might kill you
the second would would bring you back to life to finish it!!

i hope he'll make burgers like this every now and then
i had not felt such love
such care for a very long time
i know its just a burger
but i can feel it
the love that i crave from a man
i called father..

Friday, October 14, 2011

somtimes things are just unavoidable..

u just have to trust

u just have to do it

there are things that cant be explain

u just have admit it

shit happens

for the rest of the time
do your best in life
it prepares you for the 'shit' times

mulanya xnak kata, tapi..

kata je lah kan
watpe la simpan lama-lama
nak wat pekasam??
luahkan je kat blog eko ni
ni la tujuan ko wat blog ni

ok!! done with the monologue!(monolog lah sangat)

first thing first
andai kata-kata aku ni terguris hati sesapa yang baca ni
maaf lah ya
aku cuma nak nyatakan hasrat hati yang
yang tak tahan ngan satu fenomena yang tak asing lagi kat malaysia ni
apatah lagi kat facebook
fenomena ni sudah wujud dari zaman myspace lagi
mungkin juga zaman friendster tengah hot dulu( penulis x berapa rajin online friendster dulu)
fenomena apa?
fenomena apa !!???

fenomena " bajetnyeeww"!!!
oh bukan bukan
bukan video yang inianwarhadi / anwar hadi buat tu.(leh klik kat link video tu kalo korang x pernah tengok video yang dimaksudkan tu)
isu yang diketengahkan oleh anwarhadi tu satu hal.
tapi isu yang aku nak ketengahkan ni pun, satu hal gak!

memang la tersangat crave attention
pastu bila ada orang komen
" comeynya/cantik/lawa/cun/kiut " dan segala jenis pujian yang sewaktu dengannya
di'reply' plak ngan jawapan yang tersaaangaattt modest " Mana ada, hodoh laa."
modest gila kan.tuihhh.
korang tu dah dikurniakan rupa paras yang menawan(bagi yang menawan la)
jaga la
ni duk tayang kat facebook
duk tambah dosa orang ramai
duk tambah dosa sendiri
setakat rupa paras cantik
leh simpan wat pekasam je la korang punya 'cantik' tu
belungguk lagi pompuan cantik kat dunia
tapi nak cari pompuan cantik akhlak
payah teramat
benda baik memang payah jumpa
ada harga yang tinggi bagi setiap yang istimewa
kalau setakat yang duk amik gambaq bajet ni
kat supermaket tu bersepah
xyah la nak jual muka sangat kat fb tu
nanti kalau orang x senonoh berkenan,
mau ditangkap dirogolnya
xpun disihirnya nanti
mintak jauhla sume benda tu
benda yang cantik haruslah dijaga rapi
barang kemas cantik2 pun diorang letak cermin 2 inci tebal + pagar besi
so orang xleh curi
x salah la kan korang nak letak gambar cane pun kat fb tu
(gambar yang senonoh n ttup aurat la)
aku bukan kesah sangat
tapi fikirla dosa dan keburukkan yang boleh korang dapat
aku x rugi ape2
korang la kan
aku pun manusia
ada gak salah silapnya
sama sama la tegur
xde la kan
dah tau korang tu cantik
xyah la duk wat keje camtu
nak orang komen
"u cantik la, betul." - aku pun leh tolong komen
6 puluh 5 ribu juta kali pun x kesah
apa la point yang korang dapat?
bukan kaya pun ngan komen tu,
bukan dapat pahala pun,
bukan elak penyakit pun,
takut hati ni jadi riak.
aku tulis ni sebenarnya sebab concern ( dan meluat gak ar)
lilek suda, its a fact yang korang cun, no need confirmation from everybody else..

Friday, October 7, 2011

happy when you are..

im happy
when i see you are happy
even though you're not with me
where you are there
and i am here
so far no where near

when i see your eyes
its not hard to decipher
but it gets harder
when the matter of heart get closer
with that frown on your face
i am frowning myself
should i throw a joke
or a handkerchief instead
whatever will it be
i am here
you see

though there were tears and cries
laughs and smiles
and me in every each of them
everything will be forgotten
for memory doesnt last
if it never reaches the heart

but i am still happy
to see u happy
even when u see me
im just a forgotten memory..

Thursday, October 6, 2011

steve jobs-the apple man.

steve jobs (1955-2011??)
he is the CEO of the famous brand APPLE - the IPHONES!!
i was not informed of his death(none really bother to tell me)
usai kerja, aku pulang ke rumah dan menemui komputer ribaku
lalu melayari dunia tanpa sempadan untuk berita dan hiburan
di laman sosial
ku lihat seorang lagi kenalan yang bakal berkahwin
seorang lagi sudah menyambung pelajran di luar negeri
yang lain
sudah banyak memuat naik gambar-gambar dengan 'pose' bajet kiut.ehehe
aku teruskan ke blog
tidak terfikir pun untuk menaip apa-apa post sehingga la aku aku klik pada satu 'link' ini
Steve Jobs Passed Away
pantas aku menaip kata kunci itu di google
dan hampir 90% beritanya berbunyi
timbul la kan kehairanan, kenapa "apple says?"
kenapa tidak ada pengesahan doktor atau keluarga?
timbul satu kemusykilan di hati ini.
IPHONE 4S baru sahaja dilancarkan sekiranya aku tidak silap
adakah ini tujuan publisiti untuk menigkatkan jualan iphone??
mungkin sahaja aku fikir terlalu banyak 
terlalu komikal
mungkin kebelakangan ini terlalu banyak input media 
yang mempengaruhi mindaku ini yang
setiap kematian, kemalangan atau apa saja kejadian telah dirancang
dengan sebaik mungkin oleh dalang-dalang yang hanya mau kan kuasa, harta atau pun dendam.
apa pun, ini semua hanyalah taakulanku tanpa sebarang kajian terperinci.
mungkin Apple adalah keluarga steve, dia yang memulakan apple bukan?
apa salahnya mereka yang mengumukan/mengesahkan kematiannya.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

its a thing..

if a guy ask you out,
there should be 2 answers to it.

1) Give him a chance.
Its clear that he likes you. So, why not give him a chance, go out with him. Who knows, u might like him too.
It takes a whole lot of courage to ask a girl out, if one step forward to do so, i believe he'll be nice to you. " It doesnt hurt to try." But, in this case, it hurts to try every single time. So, if he's willing to risk his heart for you, why not you? Why is it the man always have to work harder? If you want it to work it out, we should work together. Humans are the best being on earth, but mistakes arent avoidable. Thats why we help each other.
(if he has a bad reputation, maybe u could delay the date's date, do some background and history check first. You dont want to be his 15th girlfriend this year, and its only june. So turn him down(which is answer #2) )

2) Gently turn him down.
Maybe you likes somebody else, so turn him down nicely. Dont flirt/joke by any means. Guys might get the wrong signal. If you dont want him, make it clear but cool. Awful rejections may make the guy pissed off and soon take revenge( immature guys do this, and so does matured guys who is really pissed off). If you reject him nicely, he'll accept it and hopefully move on. Maybe he wouldnt move on that quickly, a couple more tries perhaps. Just make sure you dont give him hopes if you really dont wanna be with him.

3) there's a third answer???
Avoid coupling. Build your love after you are married. (Bercintalah selepas kahwin)
i hope i will too one day :) A relationship before marriage lures too many sins.

no you dont!!

people tend to think they know me,
thats probably half true.
maybe they knew one side of me,
maybe they knew my habits that i didnt care much about to notice.
they knew so little about me.
they dont even have a clue of whats going in my mind.
i hardly denies what u said to me, coz its a pointless argument to win.why start one?
i let u believe the facts that u made up on your own.

so please,
dont act like u know me that much.
it looks stupid.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


i just wanna fell in love..

hopeless reality..

life is ...
life is a lot of things
its great
its bad
its good
its sad
its confusing
its a blessing
its chaotic
its mathematics
its life
it has its curves and hills
its dark and its light
its beautiful
its hateful

its everything u can imagine
its nothing like u imagined
its colourful

Friday, September 23, 2011

guitarku enggan mau dipulangkan..


Dah lama kot aku bagi pinjam
ini nak mintak balik
xnak kasi plak
nak practice lagi
sem lepas ko dah practice
udah2 le
practice je la dengan ape yg ko ada
aku pun nak practice gak
pnat2 kumpul duit baru dapat gitar tu
senang2 je ko pinjam xnak kasi balik
wat ayat pasrah pe tah
memang la aku x kata ape2 dpan ko
karang kecik hati plak
tapi over la plak kan ko ni.
akhir kata
bengong punya budak
orang dah wat baik ngan ko
ko lebih lebih kan
angkat geng pukul baru tau
bikin panasss jeee

Monday, September 12, 2011

sorry, this is not suitable for any age or gender.skip it..

i hate this person
i hate him a lot
i hate him for a lot of reasons
as much as i hate him
i cant tell why i hate him
coz this person that i hate so much
is my dad

Friday, September 9, 2011

masanya pasti datang kan..

tiap yang hidup pasti ada riwayat
setiap riwayat pasti ada penamat
masanya akan tiba
pabila semuanya berakhir
di setiap penamat
ada pengembaraan baru yang menunggu
bagi mereka yang setia
yang tabah berusaha
tidak kira masa dan tenaga
dan bagi setiap pengembaraan itu
pengalaman tak ternilai
yang mengajar diri
menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya

dunia tidak kekal selamanya
tak bermakna kita tinggalkannya sebelum  masa tiba
imbangilah amalan
moga hidup penuh keberkatan

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


i applied for culinary arts - here is my story..
it was an ordinary day
like any other day
only that it was 13 ramadhan i believe ..
its nearly 5am n im awake
cook! i wanted to cook!
the next 10minutes were full of cooking
in my head that is
imaginations started to fill my sleepy brain
n there i was
white all out 
looking very chef-like
i was going to choose which hat i'll be wearing n decided not to wear one
i own a restaurant
n was cooking professionally all by myself
ketung!! ketang!!
as i hit the woks and pans with my shining spatula
the knock on the door got me out to reality
i stood up n went to the kitchen
sat down for sahur
when i was about to finish 
i decided to tell my decision n i hesitated
an announcement turned into a question
" is it ok if i apply for culinary?"
i kept my voice as minimum as possible so that it wouldnt leave the ktichen
the answers weren't as pleasing
though my second sis were ok with it
the others were not encouraging at all
i was mad n urghh..
washed my plates i went back to bed
later that day
i asked a friend about it
n after a few monologues 
i actually added cullinary to my choices.

Friday, August 12, 2011


bila manusia skeliling menjadi juri dan hakim
semuanya pesalah di mata mereka
segala bicara dianggap helah
segala bukti dianggap muslihat
tiada lagi guna berkata benar
kerana tiada yang percaya

tapi x mengapa
suatu hari
keadilah pasti tegak kembali
dgn aku di sisi

Sunday, August 7, 2011

wise men say..

there is a saying which goes like this
" Men always give up at the hardest part. If they just work harder, no one knows how high they'll get."

in every journey
every quest
every lil drop blood
spilled n splashed
for your dream
your goal
dont quit
never give up
with a lil patience
n a lil more hardwork
n u'll be there..
there were u wouldnt regret nottin
not an inch of your actions
not an ounce of your sweats
only God decides your destination.
no one else.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

no..not watching..

its already the second half
and the last time i took a peek at the score
malaysia 1
singapore 0
way the go malaysia

football isnt really somtin i like to watch
i rather be in the game than sit down watching
doin nottin but yell n shouting on every tries and scores
it is fun but not somtin i would die for
i do watch football
but just on special occasions
i dont even remember the last time i watched a full game
i hope they win
im really bored right now
there is only mom n dad
i could only talk to mom
jokes with her
tell her about crushes and secrets
pain and gain..the end

Saturday, July 23, 2011

kenapa tunggu orang lain post??

Tiba-tiba buah fikiran ini jatuh menimpa kotak minda
kenapa aku perlu tunggu orang lain update blog mereka
sedangkan aku sendiri tidak update blog yang usang bersawang ni
apa lagi? mari update!!

Di keheningan malam..
terdengar suara terngiam
suara merdu yang disayaaannng..

agak2 siapa la yang nyanyi lagu kat atas ni??
ya, itu petikan lagu. nampak sangat korang xtau lagu ni.
korang tau??sape? sape??dah, xyah nak google. relax dulu. kom kita sembang dulu!!
seperti yang kita tau, di zaman yang moden ni,
kecanggihan teknologi berkembang pesat tiada henti
tercungap-cungap pula diri ini mengapai info terkini
aku sendiri sudah memperoleh sebuah gadget kecil diatas bisikan hati yang teringin
setelah saving punya saving
sebuah handphone touchscreen menjadi milikku
namun bukanlah yang paling baru di pasaran
apatah lagi yang paling hebat
sekadar cukup bagiku mengeksplorasi dunia skrin sesentuh ini
tapi yang paling aku suka tentang gadger kecil yang dioperasikan dengan perisian Android ini
adalah kerana apilikasi kamera yang pelbagai
x perlu lagi penat-penat meng-edit melalui photoshop
hanya perlu snap dan ready untuk diuploadkan ke blog atau facebook.
mudah dan simple!(eh, bukan same ke??)

kadang2 rindu pula zaman konvensional dulu
remote tv pun xde
kita si anak2 ni la yang rajin bangun tukar chanel untuk mak n bapak kita
internet bapak lembap
dulu, mana pandai nak download movie sampai 2-3 gig.
Setakat myspace n friendster, dah kira ok la.
nak tngok video, buffer gila lama.
dulu, main bola kaki ayam je kat padang
mau 20 orang lebih
lecah x lecah
sekarang ada futsal
nak main kene bayar
pastu main 10-15 orang je.
dulu online guna modem
bila nak connect ada bunyi2 "creettt criitt" ahahahaha
sekarang connect gitu je
bunyi xde, ape pun xde, cucuk broadband je ada tenet
ish ish ish

Dulu 2-3 bulan sekali
bli komik dlm rm4.50
doraemon, penyiasat remaja,
one piece
sekarang majalah cam gempak, kluar 2 kali sebulan
ada laa dlm rm15 sebulan untuk hiburan berbentuk tulisan dan gambar ni

dan bermacam-macam lagi mende yang sekarang kita dah x jumpa dah.
kadang2 rindu. kadang2 tu lupa terus.
mana xnya, kemajuan teknologi ni
tidak dinafikan menghanyutkan kita di dalam arusya yang deras
bila somtin keluar ala2 retro, nostalgic gitu
waaaaa tringin naik basikal tua meronda kota..
tapi di sebalik kemajuan ni semua
ada juga sisi buruknya
jalan raya yang sibuk dan jam sentiasa
anak muda terlalu leka berhibur
dunia menjadi arah tuju utama
akhirat belakang kira
berebut kuasa dan takhta
namun tanggunjawab keatas rakyat tidak terlaksana
apa guna kemajuan
jika tiada perpaduan dan keharmonian
tiada budi bicara
tiada pegangan agama
di sini
aku hanya mampu menaip setiap perkatan
dengan harapan
tersemai sedikit kesedaran
biar seidikit
jangan tiada
kerana kitalah pembela bangsa dan agama
pejuang utama negara

mungkin kuasa satu orang itu kecil di mata ramai
namun titik sejarah yang mengubah dunia
bermula dari usaha kecil dan tak bermaya
kuncinya? usaha yang tiada henti
dan izin Pencipta
sekiranya kau di jalan yang benar
tiada apa yang menghalangmu dari menerima pertolongan dariNya.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

it feels very lonely..

not because u're alone..
its coz
there are tonnes of people around
and u cant talk to any of 'em

Sunday, July 10, 2011

hanya penakut..

langit tidak selalu cerah
tetapi kehadiranmu buat aku tersenyum
walau awan gelap datang membawa hujan
kau buat terbang dia awangan
walau awan membawa hujan lebat dan basah
kau buat aku tidak jejak tanah
walau hujan bertukar taufan
kau beri aku kekuatan 
di hadapanmu aku sentiasa bersedia
untuk segalanya tapi bukan untuk suatu fakta
yang engkau sudah berpunya
suatu kebenaran yang ku cuba lari
sembunyi diri
kerana takut hati kan terluka sekali lagi..
kerana di sebalik semua ini
hanyalah seorang penakut..

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Assalamualaikum !!!!

di kesempatan yang sedikit nih
teringin plak nak post somtin.

n so
im doing the easiest type of post
'about me'
u know my name and evrytin
lets just skip to the current status
currently doing my practical at some place
just came back from the workshop
had my bike repaired
a lil hungry
luckily there are a few 'cucur' under the 'tudung saji'
plans for tonight???
not going out for any hang outs or anything similar
but really really wanna go out
shopping perhaps
get a pair of nice shoes for office wear
a cool belt maybe(maybe not)
and and
girlfriend??? girlfriendsss???
words of the day..well, actually its yesterday's words
"it really help to know what u're doing, or better, knowing its the right thing to do!"

Sunday, June 19, 2011

let me tell u somtin

years ago
i once said
i had no regret in life
i regretted nottin till that very day
and now i realize that how foolish those words are
how naive i was..

but then again
i never regret saying it
coz of her..

Monday, June 6, 2011

the kitchen n i..

it was past 5
i was hungry and a lil tired
" Is mom home?" i asked
" Nope, she'll only be leaving granny's house tonight." dad replied.
i thought she already took the bus in the morning
and so i head to the kitchen to look for food
as usual
the foods are freezing in the grey refrigerator
i took what can be heated
and what to be thrown away
made an egg sandwich
and in the kitchen i stay
finishing what i cooked
i miss mom
i miss her ordering me to do this n that
and so
i cleared the table
n cleared the sink
swept a bit
the kitchen held me prisoner till 6
then i went back to my room to change my clothes
suddenly i remembered the clothes that had not been hung
mom was too sleepy and said to me the other night " I'll hang 'em up tomorrow.Too sleepy."
and forgot all about it since she was packing to granny's house for some family matters
i too would have gone with her
but i have my own things that needs to be settle
though she was far away
she texted me
not to forget to lock the gates and doors
everytin is done
though it feels a lot better to do all those chores without being ask to
i really miss her coming to my room
giving some long briefing for such simple tasks
see u tomorrow mom..

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

hello hello!!!

naaakkk belllliiiiii handphone barruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!
wat pertama kalinya,
aku begini bersemangat nak beli seketul handphone baru.
handphone yang sedang aku guna sekarang ni
masih boleh digunakan
tetapi teringinnnnn betul nak beli baru
x sure knapa

aku x berapa kesah pasal mende-mende camni
kalo nak beli apepun
aku beli gitu-gitu je
xdek la nak pilih brand atau style
sedap pakai, plain and simple.

sudah jatuh hati pada satu phone nih
teke teke!!

hati sudah terpikat pada

its too expensive for me
about rm19++

i went on looking for the older version and found
xpiria x10
and sadly
it is also off budget
i am saving money to get my hands
  on the much older
version of xpiria
the Xpiria X8
which ranges around RM500
a reasonable price i am willing to spend
on such a small gadget
xpiria, here i come.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

my heart..come here..i need u here..

im sorry
i didnt mean to hurt u
oh myself
anyway, sorry.

i kinda have this habit of doing things last minute
and i have this project that i need to submit tomorrow
my friends have been doing it everyday till 2-4 am
and i havent touched it more than a week
i know i know
lazy bum
but today
i've been doing it from morning till evening
and in matter of hours
i would be catching up with the others
this shows that i can do it
if i put my heart into it
and i believe
any man can achieve what he wants
if he put his heart into it
and with God's will

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

God is always by your side..

baki jam tinggal 45 minit
aku usai menjawab semua soalan
sedang aku memeriksa semula kertas jawapan
nombor 25 menangkap perhatianku
tiada jawapn tertulis di situ
ruang kosong itu putih bersih 
aku menyelak kembali helaian soalan
mencari soalan nombor 25
a.o.b. is the abbreviation for? 
my mind went blank
i couldnt recall anything about it
i dont even think i've heard it before
but thats nonsense
this is the finals
they wont make any weird questions right?
clueless and speechless
i started to decipher those letters
what in the world could they be?
"amendment or ballot" ?
" aku orang bentong " lagi mengarut
i couldnt ask anyone else
its in the middle of an exam
in the middle of the hall
in the middle of some 60 students and a few lecturers
then i remembered
i didnt recite any dua' like i always did before any exams
to God i pray
I asked for guidance and clues
i asked for the answer of question number 25
head down on the table
i stare the desk silently
i could feel blood gathering at my forehead
up goes my head
i wouldnt want any red marks lining across that forehead of mine
out of the blue
a lecturer came and stood next to my desk
and look at my answer sheet
in a low voice she said something
she was telling me the answer
the answer for question no 25
but i couldnt hear it well
and i asked again
"what was it?"
again in a low voice
i didnt even catch half of it
she said it word by word
all three words 
i was so grateful
that i wanna submit it as soon as i can
and do a sujud syukur
God had answered my prayer within minutes
even when i stepped outside the examination hall
i was still amazed
and a little shocked 
it was shocking
it was a miracle
God is always near
God is always here
by your side
sekiranya kalian sentiasa mengingatiNya
pasti Allah juga tidak akan melupakan kalian.
thank you Allah

Thursday, May 19, 2011

racing through the chilly wind..

done and tired
printed but not binded
i wanna go home and rest for the day
why does home feel
so far away

a couple more weeks to go
a couple more projects to submit
and the finals to beat
am i ready for it?

as soon as my work is done
i prefer to go back home
sleep in my bed
sleep with my pillow
under the bright light that i never turn off
couldnt sleep with the lights off
i would fall asleep in front of the laptop
on the floor- i was just resting for a bit-
while texting-damaged the phone since it slipped through my loose grip and fell to the floor-

its usually past midnight when everything is done
at first i would wear my red sweater coz it so cold travelling in the wee hours
but after months
i got used to the coldness
racing through the chilly wind
on the wide lonely road
is really peaceful
the faster the colder
though i enjoy riding past midnight
the feelings that hugs along with the cold
isnt really enjoying
it makes me feel really lonely
cold + lonely = missing somebody

Saturday, May 14, 2011


rehat tangah hari
jadi aku pun mencuri
curi-curi masa untuk online
melihat berita terkini
dan blogs
malam ini jumpa lagi

Saturday, May 7, 2011

im nearly there..

masa berlalu sungguh laju
tidak ada sesaat pun yang menanti aku
walau tuk seketika
walau tuk sejenak
walaupun aku terduduk penat
mengejar dunia
hari yang pergi bagai mimpi
baru sekejap berlalu
kini sudah celik di hari yang baru
dunia terlalu pantas
dan aku masih terkedek perlahan
mengendahkan keperluan
keperluan kehidupan

termenung merenung
fikiranku penuh dengan idea-idea bernas
tetapi tangan ini malas
terlalu malas untuk mencapai secawan kopi
supaya yang sepet menjadi celik
yang malap menjadi segar bugar

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

help, i need somebody!

not just anybody!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Laden is dead..who cares??

Osama Laden

Osama Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda IS DEAD.
they raided his hideout(CIA claims they found it) in Pakistan and he was
shot in the head in the firefight between the US counter-terrorism troops.
while US citizens and relatives of the victims on the SEPT 11 2001 incident
celebrates their victory, what impacts does it brings to Malaysians?
to my younger they even know who Osama Laden is?
a terrorist?a leader of what-group? they may ask..
this younger generation of mine..
what are you doing?
sitting all day long in front of the pc with games and nets?facebook?

what are you watching?
finishing the entire korean drama series?
mentor?AF?raja lawak?

where are you?
head-banging at an overcrowded gig?
at cyber-cafe playing DOTA?RYL?

what will the future be
im not gonna wait and see..

here is the post form yahoo news on Osama's death.

WASHINGTON – Osama bin Laden, the face of global terrorism and architect of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, was killed in a firefight with elite American forces Monday, then quickly buried at sea in a stunning finale to a furtive decade on the run.
Long believed to be hiding in caves, bin Laden was tracked down in a costly, custom-built hideout not far from a Pakistani military academy.
"Justice has been done," President Barack Obama said in a dramatic announcement at the White House while a crowd cheered outside and hundreds more gathered at ground zero in Manhattan to celebrate the news.
The military operation took mere minutes.
U.S. helicopters ferrying elite counter-terrorism troops into the compound identified by the CIA as bin Laden's hideout — and back out again in less than 40 minutes. Bin Laden was shot in the head, officials said, after he and his bodyguards resisted the assault.
Three adult males were also killed in the raid, including one of bin Laden's sons, whom officials did not name. One of bin Laden's sons, Hamza, is a senior member of al-Qaida. U.S. officials also said one woman was killed when she was used as a shield by a male combatant, and two other women were injured.
The U.S. official who disclosed the burial at sea said it would have been difficult to find a country willing to accept the remains. Obama said the remains had been handled in accordance with Islamic custom, which requires speedy burial.
"I heard a thundering sound, followed by heavy firing. Then firing suddenly stopped. Then more thundering, then a big blast," said Mohammad Haroon Rasheed, a resident of Abbottobad, Pakistan, after the choppers had swooped in and then out again.
Bin Laden's death marks a psychological triumph in a long struggle that began with the Sept. 11 attacks, and seems certain to give Obama a political lift. But its ultimate impact on al-Qaida is less clear.
The greatest terrorist threat to the U.S. is now considered to be the al-Qaida franchise in Yemen, far from al-Qaida's core in Pakistan. The Yemen branch almost took down a U.S.-bound airliner on Christmas 2009 and nearly detonated explosives aboard two U.S. cargo planes last fall. Those operations were carried out without any direct involvement from bin Laden.
The few fiery minutes in Abbottobad followed years in which U.S. officials struggled to piece together clues that ultimately led to bin Laden, according to an account provided by senior administration officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the operation.
Based on statements given by U.S. detainees since the 9/11 attacks, they said, intelligence officials have long known that bin Laden trusted one al-Qaida courier in particular, and they believed he might be living with him in hiding.
Four years ago, the United States learned the man's identity, which officials did not disclose, and then about two years later, they identified areas of Pakistan where he operated. Last August, the man's residence was found, officials said.
"Intelligence analysis concluded that this compound was custom built in 2005 to hide someone of significance," with walls as high as 18 feet and topped by barbed wire, according to one official. Despite the compound's estimated $1 million cost and two security gates, it had no phone or Internet running into the house.
By mid-February, intelligence from multiple sources was clear enough that Obama wanted to "pursue an aggressive course of action," a senior administration official said. Over the next two and a half months, the president led five meetings of the National Security Council focused solely on whether bin Laden was in that compound and, if so, how to get him, the official said.
Obama made a decision to launch the operation on Friday, shortly before flying to Alabama to inspect tornado damage, and aides set to work on the details.
The president spent part of his Sunday on the golf course, but cut his round short to return to the White House for a meeting where he and top national security aides reviewed final preparations for the raid.
Two hours later, Obama was told that bin Laden had been tentatively identified.
CIA director Leon Panetta was directly in charge of the military team during the operation, according to one official, and when he and his aides received word at agency headquarters that bin Laden had been killed, cheers broke out around the conference room table.
Administration aides said the operation was so secretive that no foreign officials were informed in advance, and only a small circle inside the U.S. government was aware of what was unfolding half a world away.
In his announcement, Obama said he had called Pakistani President Zardari after the raid, and said it was "important to note that our counter-terrorism cooperation with Pakistan helped lead us to bin Laden and the compound where he was hiding."
One senior administration told reporters, though, "we were very concerned ... that he was inside Pakistan, but this is something we're going to continue to work with the Pakistani government on."
The compound is about 100 yards from a Pakistani military academy, in a city that is home to three army regiments and thousands of military personnel. Abbottabad is surrounded by hills and with mountains in the distance.
Critics have long accused elements of Pakistan's security establishment of protecting bin Laden, though Islamabad has always denied it, and in a statement the foreign ministry said his death showed the country's resolve in the battle against terrorism.
Whatever the global repercussions, bin Laden's death marked the end to a manhunt that consumed most of a decade that began in the grim hours after bin Laden's hijackers flew planes into the World Trade Center twin towers in Manhattan and the Pentagon across the Potomac River from Washington. A fourth plane was commandeered by passengers who overcame the hijackers and forced the plane to crash in the Pennsylvania countryside.
In all, nearly 3,000 were killed in the worst terror attacks on American soil.
Former President George W. Bush, who was in office on the day of the attacks, issued a written statement hailing bin Laden's death as a momentous achievement. "The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done," he said.


Friday, April 29, 2011

S, mimpi dan laksa..

the three things 
both starts with 's'..
both came in my dreams..
and both cooks laksa..
i wish i wouldnt fogert the three things
i blogged it here..

Friday, April 8, 2011

Tranformers, THOR, Source Code..

Of course all of u knows what the headlines are
they are movies which is not the in cinemas yet
except for Source Code
lets just get on to the movies im looking forward to


first, we have Jessica Alba in An Invisible Sign
Good actress and the trailer was nice. 

I've always love adaptation from comics. Watching superheroes come to live is like a dream come true. Its in July, so now, we wait..

Though he quited from famous secret agent Bond to a cowboy, he still have cool gadgets.
Another comic adaptation.

 another adaptation from the world famous comic. Brandon Ruth(superman return) is Dylan Dog, aka Detective of the Undead.
ada problem zomba?call dia.
the trailers seems funny and and enjoying.wouldnt miss it.

Looks like a comedy with great messages with a lil romance.good enough for me.

fighting + girls + archery + thrill = cool

The strongest wand is now in the hands of evil lord voldemort. How will Harry stand against the most powerful evil sorcerer of all time! JULY 15!!!!

 About Joody Mody who made a "paperwork" so that she'll have the best summer ever.better than her friends. With the help of her "awesome" Aunt Opal and her lil bro " Stink ", they'll have a whale of a time.

Hillarious! enough said!

the movie went out last year. i'll try to get it later. Not really into this kind of movie, but a lil girl as a vampire. How cruel can she be right?

an old movie by Ghibli Studio i guess. Ghibli's are alway enjoyable to watch.
what more adventures await for the crazy pirate captain, Jack Sparrow in the search of the Fountain of Youth. Encounters with mermaids and Blackbeard! is this hell or heaven?

Puss in Boots! on guard!!!

the Sky Captain

the Beaver

the Lookout


and finally, X-MEN : The First Class
way back in time when Charles(Prof. X) and Erik(Magneto) were still friends..
yup, no logan/wolverine!

thats all for now..later days

Friday, April 1, 2011

cried like never before..

we all waited patiently 
and when the door opened
i raced to her
as i hug her
i could feel her heartbeat 
it was fast
i cried silently on her shoulders
i couldnt helped it but to cry and cry
i cried like never before
dont leave me again mom
dont do it again
i was scared
so scared
the tears keep rolling down my cheeks
my phone vibrated
i reached it 
"message full"
once i deleted the second last message
a message from mom filled in
it was a dua'
she told me to memorize it yesterday
thank you mom..
i checked and she was praying
she was not at the hospital 
never did
it was a sad dream
the saddest i ever had
it bring tear just by remembering 
the dream..

Thursday, March 31, 2011


pergi dan balik
belajar dan belajar
makan dan makan
tidur dan bangun
internet dan telefon
..sedikit hujan..

laju dan lancar di celah hujan
hijau..hijau..ahh, dah kuning!
melepaskan minyak dan brekkkkk...
tapi tidak
jalan terlalu licin
dan aku terlalu lambat
lampu merah dan aku sedang gelincir di tengah-tengah
simpang 4 lampu isyarat
aku memulas kembali throttle menangkap kelajuan
enjin menderum geram
aku u-turn di lampu isyarat seterusnya
dari mana pula air bertakung ni..
tidak pernah pula air bertakung di sini sebelum ini
jeans ku basah
malas betul basah2 camni..
penatnya .. mahu baring melayan buble's songs..

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

aku amik spm lagi..oh no..

gementar menggetar-getar perut ku
aku cuba meng-cover jalanku
debar hati tiada berkurang
so many familiar faces
so many long time no see teachers
i miss school

kupandang kiriii

kupandang kanannnn

di hujung sana kulihat rakanku
rakan sekelas dulu
sedang bergurau dengan ustazah
ku hampiri mereka
"tahniah." kata ustazah
aku hanya tersenyum memegang slip
"kena sain eh?"
"ya, kat sini." kata ustazah lagi.
usai aku mengukir tandatangan di senarai nama
sekeping wang kertas dihulur padaku
"eh, nak bli air ke?"
aku mencapai rm10 tu tapi tidak menariknya..
"tahniah, dapat A1 untuk agama." kata ustazah sambil tersenyum.
aku bagai x percaya
aku terus melihat kembali slip kecil tadi.
ada A di situ
di situ
dan dis itu

lebih kurang gitulah hari aku amik result dulu
aku x amik spm wat kali kedua
saja je tajuknya

tahniah kepada sume student di luar sana,
saya, bekas guru mengucapkan tahniah!!!
korang dah abis skolah!!!!!!
benda yg korang impikan dari darjah 6 dah pun tercapai.
pasni korang akan mintak nk masuk high school balik, percaya x?
anyway, go for it!
go for your dreams!
with that small ticket(SPM  RESULT SLIP) is your ticket to your journey
full of much cruel people
much more backstabbing
n lot more worst thing u never imagine
but wait
be strong
it will also be journey full with
unforgettable memories
true love n marriage perhaps
nice n funny friends n bffsss
and a glimpse about the world
fight for your right!
rock it hard!
and do your best!
the past is the past!
the future is yours to shape!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


i get car sick
latest experience
this morning
after a jog a the park
it has been ages since my last carsick
maybe coz i dont get in a car that much
its a really discomforting feeling
my tummy feels weird
since i cant comprehend what it actually feels
due to dizziness..

it doesnt leads to any vomiting or anything worst

i dont get carsick at night
or everytime i ride in a car
it happens a lot long time ago
is it the aircond?
oh well
its a gift..

Friday, March 4, 2011

u were special..

along time ago
i never knew u
a few years back
u were just someone in my life
years later
u were more than a friend
u were special
n now
u haunt me when im cold
and alone
the rain make me think of u
u'r still special
u'll always be
u r unforgettable..

Thursday, February 24, 2011

adventure is out there..

i glanced at the my laptop
the net look so boring
i didnt knew what to google
or do with it
and so
i continued reading
a novel
i romantic comedy novel
with crimes and bolts
i have been reading it everyday
finishing a chapter a day due too heavy workloads
and datelines chasing
it have been quite a while since my last english novel
2 years i think
i never bought any novels actually
except graphic novels by zint n keith
the novel im reading is quite good
my sister left it in my room when she went back to university
the novel had a kinokuniya price tag at the back
it looked old
probably she got 'em with discounts
she left 2 novels on the dusty shelf
the other one sounded scary
so i left it untouched
and picked this one up
i've finished about 2/3 of the novel
and give it a rest for today
i wanted to go n pray and sleep
chasing datelines really are tiring
since no assignments need to be hand in tomorrow
i wish u all goodnight! sleep tight!
its not even 10 yet!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

aku teringat kamu ketika hujan..

jalan berkabus diredah lancar
hujan renyai yang mendinginkan
melewati jalan gelap dan licin
terasa sepi dan sayu
aku teringat kamu..

Friday, February 11, 2011


atau bahasa omputihnye 'newspaper'
mmg x asing lagi bg kita kan
generasi sekarang dah terlalu maju untuk membeli suratkhabar
sumenye google di internet sahaja
aku sendiri sudah agak lama tidak menyentuh suratkhabar
boleh dikatakan setiap hari kelas pkul 8
and by 7:30 surely kena depart dah
kalo tak
mesti x sempat
biasala student
mana rajinnya hendak bangun awal
malam-malam assgment
x assgment, movie..hehe
pagi plak
celik aje subuh trus
pastu sambung berdengkur
7:15, kelam kabut
iron baju
berebut bilik air
berebut cermin(nk style rambut)
kedai jauh

dompet plak ringan je
mmg tak beli la kan


i really miss reading them
aku selalu juga beli suratkhabar
dlm pkul 10-time break
aku akan singgah bookstore walaupun xde mende nak dibeli
bookstore ada aircond!
dan hotspot bagi membe2 yg trut serta menumpang
juga sebab
boleh beli kosmo dengan 30% diskaun
harga dlm ipt
so 70sen, murah!
kalau ada duit lebih, aku beli juga NST atau The Star
most guys would probably read from the back kan
but i would go for the comics first
then what will be on tv-though xde tv kat umah sewa
and then the rest of the newspaper
it is also an effective weapon against cockroaches
the house we rent that semester had a lot of cockroaches
but the number decreases since we were killing about 2-3 roaches a day
a month later
roach killed in a week : 1
and i won the title for most roaches killed with folded newspaper!

dont read if u're not 18..

will u not read it??
i dont care if u DO READ!
of course there's somtin in your mind
that keeps asking
"why in the world are we(the under 18) are forbidden to read this post?"
a conspiracy that only the so-called adults knows what it is.
somtin that no 17 or 16 years old can know about it
what is this secret?

first of all
for the 18 n above
u're not missing anything
we've 'been there n done that'
and for the under 18
listen carefully
ur just not legal to do the things we above 18 can do
its just a simple law
to keep those slow people out there to get a grip of whats going on
with the world
before they turn 18
their brains are matured enough
to comprehend and accept
how the world works
and how life is not all happy and colourful
sorry to spoil the fun
in some point of life
they just do
u'll learn it
either the easy way
or the hard stressing way
what ever barge in your life
never give up
never abandon hope
carve a smile
a keep on fighting!

and just enjoy your life before 18!
i said ENJOY!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

i exploded..

first of all
sorry bella
i exploded at your birthday party
n left without a word
i was boiling mad
n was afraid that i'd do somtin stupid
n so
i left
happy b'lated birthday bella!

why did i explode?
somebody just crossed the line
n it was no ordinary line
it was the line!
my patience limit!
most of u guys never saw me went mad
i mean
really really mad
some of u had did many things to me
hurt me physically n mentally
but i ignore it
i dont have the heart to do the same to you
who i call friends
friends who i meet everyday
who i ask for help
who i seek for sympathy
who i look up to
who were there to laugh on my jokes
who were to hang out with me
who were there to eat with me
who were there when anyone else wasnt
i just cant
u overdid it
so just go n die..

i walked away with anger
i walked away coz i dont want to hurt anyone
i walked away to find peace for myself
i walked away cursing
i walked away dissapointed..

days had passed
now we r laughing together again..
tell me
how u do it
u acted like nottin happened
even after the party
u came talking like it was nottin
u r one of a kind
was i too kind
or ur just @#$%^ ?><*&
u bastard!
no apologies
not even i regret face
i really really wanna punch that $%^& face of yours

Monday, January 17, 2011


pelik tapi benar
heran lagi tertekan
semenjak beberapa menjak nih
the net connection seems to run slow
it takes forever
to comment
to message
to log in
n for blogger
its nearly impossible to log in
n even after i logged in
cant post anything
i was like
its already the third week
as usual
there tonnes of things in my 'to-do-list'
assignments and what not
i need to go for a jog
to burn this killer calories
ate a lot of roti canai lately
and 'mi goreng segera'
i dont eat the soup one
i just dont
i hopped on my friends fixie last weekend
went  cycling for about an hour
here there
looking for breakfast
and fresh air
i havent rode a bicycle since what
i think so
i brought my mountain bike to campus the first year
but not later
since i was staying outside campus
its really convenient to have a non-money-burning transportation
i could cycle back anytime i want
no need to wait the ever so #$%^ bus
agak stress la kan
kita dah board bus kul 10
kul 11.30 baru jln
sampai umah dah midnight
ngantuk(asyik duduk dlm bas jer, 1jam stengah kott!)
lapar(usually curi-curi makan dlm bas)
assigment x siap ag (ni tension, kita dah smangat nk buat, stranded lak dlm bus.dang!)
those times are history
i own a bike now
n frankly i miss the bicycle
thought of buying a simple one
i dunno
need to get new shoes
my last semester's class shoes are totaled
the heels leaked
small pebbles sometimes got in my shoes
im still wearing it
i'll find a new one this weekend
i made a lot of french toast just now
ate three and left the rest for the rest
i told mom that i like to cook and ask her to teach me
to cook 'ayam masak kicap'!
she said "no problem!"
i just love to see people happy faces
ahhhh foooddd..
better get going now
im in a rush
what for?
im a student
students are always in a rush

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

the new..

early of the semester is always kinda gay u know
new subjects to learn
new frens
new lecturers(or not)
new cute freshmen..haha
new jokes
new stories
new hairstyles
new shirts
new watches
im the new me!
with a lil bit new of everything!
as expected
my pointers did drop
and thankfully
it didnt dropped like super drop
the cgpa looks like ok since i kinda score! the semester before
but im aiming straight As this sem
i'll do everything i could
anything i can
and as punctual as the most punctual i can be!
total punctual!
dont want to loose any marks for lateness again
less fb
less blogging perhaps..maybe not
less tv
any 'azam' this year?
hmm...there are a few things on the list..
-repair my old phone
-get a pair of inlines(not important..but fun)
-master autocad
-reformat my laptop to window 7
-repair my ill bike
-get straight As(
-a better muslim..
the rest are secret
i guess this is it
till later days..


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