Tuesday, May 24, 2011

God is always by your side..

baki jam tinggal 45 minit
aku usai menjawab semua soalan
sedang aku memeriksa semula kertas jawapan
nombor 25 menangkap perhatianku
tiada jawapn tertulis di situ
ruang kosong itu putih bersih 
aku menyelak kembali helaian soalan
mencari soalan nombor 25
a.o.b. is the abbreviation for? 
my mind went blank
i couldnt recall anything about it
i dont even think i've heard it before
but thats nonsense
this is the finals
they wont make any weird questions right?
clueless and speechless
i started to decipher those letters
what in the world could they be?
"amendment or ballot" ?
" aku orang bentong " lagi mengarut
i couldnt ask anyone else
its in the middle of an exam
in the middle of the hall
in the middle of some 60 students and a few lecturers
then i remembered
i didnt recite any dua' like i always did before any exams
to God i pray
I asked for guidance and clues
i asked for the answer of question number 25
head down on the table
i stare the desk silently
i could feel blood gathering at my forehead
up goes my head
i wouldnt want any red marks lining across that forehead of mine
out of the blue
a lecturer came and stood next to my desk
and look at my answer sheet
in a low voice she said something
she was telling me the answer
the answer for question no 25
but i couldnt hear it well
and i asked again
"what was it?"
again in a low voice
i didnt even catch half of it
she said it word by word
all three words 
i was so grateful
that i wanna submit it as soon as i can
and do a sujud syukur
God had answered my prayer within minutes
even when i stepped outside the examination hall
i was still amazed
and a little shocked 
it was shocking
it was a miracle
God is always near
God is always here
by your side
sekiranya kalian sentiasa mengingatiNya
pasti Allah juga tidak akan melupakan kalian.
thank you Allah

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